Notice BoardNotice Board

Notice for Provisional Admission and Final Admission of Degree II Yr. & III Yr. students

Admission Notice


No. 215/41/2019-20                                                                        Date: 1/11/2019

Students of Degree II Yr. & III Yr. classes who could not take provisional Admission and Final Admission are directed to take such admission from 5/11/2019 to at 11a.m. to 12/11/2019 at 4 p.m.


Students will have to follow the procedure and deposit the fees through on line ( as per notice given earlier.


N.B. Students will have to keep one copy Printed from & Money Receipt. 


( Dr. D. Chatterjee)
Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya

Friday, 1st November 2019