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Notice for distribution of Blank Answerscripts for 1st Sem, 3rd Sem, 5th Sem Exams. & U.G (1+1+1) Part-III

N   O   T   I   C   E


Notice No.: 19/42/2020-21                                         Date: 19/2/2021. 


Blank Answerscripts for ensuing 1st Sem, 3rd  Sem, 5th Sem Exams. & U.G (1 1 1) Part-III will be distributed to the candidates from our college on 26/2/2021 and 27/2/2021 ( Time 12 noon to 3 p.m.) on production of their I.Cards/Admit Cards.



( Dr. D. Chatterjee)

Tufanganj Mahavidyalaya.

Friday, 19th February 2021